Dr. Michael Hammer

Dr. Michael Hammer's groundbreaking research and visionary thought leadership galvanized the business world—beginning with his leadership of the reengineering movement and continuing with his brilliant formulation of the process-centered organization. Hammer's ideas have become integrated into the DNA of businesses and organizations worldwide and continue to be relevant today.

Hammer and Company will continue as a vehicle to preserve and disseminate Michael Hammer's vast legacy of research, teachings, and innovative ideas for future generations of process practitioners and global business leaders. Our goal is to commemorate and build upon his contributions in the worlds of business theory and process transformation.

In order to continue serving our many clients, we have licensed Hammer and Company’s Intellectual Property (IP) to FCB Partners, led by Walter Popper and Steven Stanton.

Popper and Stanton served as senior faculty at Hammer and Company during the years following Dr. Hammer’s death and have been delivering Hammer educational, consulting, and research activities with great expertise and to outstanding client satisfaction. They also bring a wealth of experience from their own long histories of working in the field of business process improvement. They will continue to extend Dr. Hammer's legacy by delivering and fine-tuning the Hammer Process Mastery courses, as well as onsite process workshops and coaching based on the Hammer model.

Hammer and Company Class

Hammer Process Mastery Courses

Perhaps the single most enduring creation of Dr. Hammer’s is the trio of his now-classic Process Mastery courses. Individuals who complete all three courses will earn a Certificate of Process Mastery, one of the longest standing and most widely recognized credentials in the field. These courses provide basic awareness, methods, and skills for process management from three different perspectives:

Power of Process: Overview of process management–what it is, why it's needed, how it works, when to introduce it, and how organizations migrate from function to process.

Process Redesign: Project view of process management. How to select the right process, recruit the right team, frame the big picture, break the rules in redesign, and accelerate adoption with a constant eye to top team buy-in and stakeholder engagement.

Leading Transformation: Enterprise view of process management. How to establish conditions for success, focus scarce resources on high-value opportunities, encourage adoption, and sustain results. Leading Transformation, the PEMM™course, is based on "The Process Audit", Dr. Hammer’s groundbreaking 2007 Harvard Business Review article, and covers the PEMM™ (Process and Enterprise Maturity Model) assessments.

Hammer Video Tutorials

This series of 5 video tutorials is an invaluable tool to energize and stimulate your team. In these powerful seminars, hear Dr. Hammer deliver, in his own unique and powerful style, how process reengineering works, on its own and also with SAP and Six Sigma.

Michael Hammer's Process Maturity Model: More Important than Ever

One of Dr. Michael Hammer's enduring contributions to the field of business process redesign was the Process and Enterprise Maturity Model (PEMM™) and the programs in which the model has been taught. As business organizations become more complex, this model is more important than ever. We asked our colleagues and licensees at FCB Partners to continue the use of this powerful model through the Process Mastery certification program. We highly recommend the PEMM™ course, Leading Transformation, for all executives concerned with the success of their enterprises.